Getting Started

What will it take you to get started?

running shadow on horizon

The first step can often be the biggest challenge.

First off, I hope none of you have became the statistic of a failed resolution. Regardless, I hope everyone is have a great year thus far. Personally I think resolutions are overrated. No one should wait till the beginning of a year to start fundamentally re-creating themselves, but I will discuss that later.

I kicked off my New Year with back to back long runs of 18 and 19 miles. It seemed like the most festive way to celebrate the ending of a year and the beginning of another. Things were also looking good for my real estate business, too good it seemed. Which is usually when disaster strikes. Sure enough, halfway into the week I had a $1,500,000 deal fall completely a part. I managed to shrug off the loss without beating myself up too much. After all, real estate is a cut throat industry.

Then it got messier and even more funny.

Two days later I headed out for a run, taking a route I never use. After two miles, I was feeling light on my feet, cruising at 6:15 per mile pace. I noticed a tree limb hanging low up ahead and ducked as it approached it then, BAM!! I failed to duck low enough. I yelled a few choice words and instantly reached for the top of my head. There was already a golf ball sized lump, seconds later blood was rushing down my face, dripping onto the sidewalk. Long story short, I had to get six staples in my head and was told to take it easy and come back in ten days.

What the hell am I supposed to do for ten days?

It would have been easy to employ the victim mentality and feel sorry for myself due to the unfortunate circumstances. I could have requested a refund for my upcoming 100 mile race and easily justify it since I missed so many crucial training days. But I chose not to let some unfortunate circumstance dictate how I live my life.

I decided to reassess the situation and pivot to use the unfortunate circumstances to my advantage. This strategy can always be used in a situation like this but sometimes it will be more difficult to find the correct angle, just keep pivoting until you find it.

For me, this meant getting this new website put together with the time that was freed up by not being able to run. I had been putting it off for far too long because it is a very time consuming process. One that involves spending many hours behind the computer. Something I already have to do enough of for my real estate company.

I knew in order for me to grow it was necessary to publish my challenge list to hold me accountable. Also to spread the message that it is never too late to start taking on new challenges. No matter how big or small of a challenge it might be, the first step is often the hardest. I hope it doesn’t take you crashing into a tree to make you take that first step. But if it does, so be it. Some of us are more hard headed than others.

I’m stoked to have the opportunity to share my successes and failures with everyone. But more importantly I look forward to hearing from you. Please take advantage of the contact form to let me know what kind of challenges you are taking on!

For those curious,

Right now I am devoting all of my time towards the Jackelope Jam. I am shooting for 100 miles in less than 24 hours. I also have been trying to gain some lead way on my 52 book challenge for the year. I know my upcoming adventure will not allow for much reading time. More details about the adventure to come.

Until next time…

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