Once you a solid fitness foundation and the proper mindset, seeking out epic adventure challenges becomes a way of life. Maybe you have always wanted to scuba dive? Or bag your first mountain peak? Or maybe you’d just like to take your first camping trip? It doesn’t matter what kind of adventures you’re after, as long as you are taking daily action to get there! Don’t tell yourself you will go on an adventure “someday”. You must mark your adventure on the calendar if you want it to happen. Better yet, put some skin in the game and buy the plane ticket or book the trip, then you will be forced to find a way to make it happen at all cost! 

Also, you don’t have to travel across the world to find yourself an adventure challenge! You’d be surprised what you can find locally. I know we tend to focus on National Parks but there are also over 10,200 state parks for you to explore! At the end of the day living a life of adventure really comes down to your overall mindset and the way you view the world. Everyday should be viewed as a opportunity for adventure because everyday you have the option to take a step towards your most epic adventure dreams!

Discover new ideas and learn more below. Share your stories to be featured!



Bungy JumpCompleted 10/20/2017
Scuba with SharksCompleted 11/28/2017
Mt WhitneyCompleted8/11/2020
Scuba: Wreck DiveCompleted4/11/2021
Cycle: Pedal the Prairie Completed 2/27/2021
Obstacle Course RaceObstacle Course RaceCompleted4/20/2019
Road Trip: New ZealandCompleted 2016 & 2017
Run: 50 milerCompleted4/8/2017
Run: 100kCompleted2/24/2019
Run: MarathonCompleted2/4/2017
Scuba Certified Completed 11/26/2017
Scuba: Great Barrier ReefCompleted 11/26/2017
Scuba: SoloCompleted10/29/2018
Scuba: Wreck DiveCompleted4/11/2021
Summit: Mt BelfordCompleted9/11/2021
Summit: Mt BierstadtCompleted 8/30/2020
Summit: Mt ElbertCompleted8/28/2020
Summit: Mt MassiveCompleted8/27/2020
Summit: Mt OxfordCompleted9/11/2021
Summit: Mt Sherman Completed7/12/2021
Summit: Redcloud PeakCompleted9/20/2020
Summit: Sunshine PeakCompleted9/20/2020
Learn How to Ski Competed1/20/2021
Colorado 14'ersActive8/58
Run: 100 milerActive12/5/2021
Swim in Every OceanActive3/5
Visit Every Continent Active3/7
Visit Every National Park (US)Active33/63
Visit Every State (US)Active27/50
Burning Man
Climb: Aconcagua
Climb: Kilimanjaro
Climb: Mt Denali
Cycle Iceland's Ring Rd (900 Miles)
Cycle: Big Bend State Ranch
Cycle: MS 150
Cycle: Tour de Brazos 100
Free Dive
Great Pyramids
Hike: Colorado Trail
Hike: Everest Base Camp
Hike: Pacific Crest Trail (thru-hike)
Hike: Sierra High Route
Hike: Te Araroa
Hike: The Long Trail
Hike: UTMB
Ironman: 70.3
Ironman: 140.6
Learn How to Sail
Normandy Beach
Road Trip: Australia
Road Trip: Chile
Road Trip: Namibia
Road Trip: Route 66
Run: 200 miler
Run: Badwater 135
Run: Leadville 100 miler
Running with the Bulls
Scuba: Blue Hole (Belize)
Scuba: Flower Gardens
Scuba: Lake Travis
Scuba: Silfra Fissure (Iceland)
Scuba: Whale Sharks
Sky Dive
Yoga Class

Be sure to check out the MINDSET and FITNESS sections also!


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