How it all began…
I was not always running around taking on new challenges. Instead, I could often be found taking the easy path. Sadly, this is the same path most people follow. That all changed on April 11th 2016, in Houston Texas. I’m sure you have zero recollection of what you were doing on that particular day and I wouldn’t expect you to. Unless it happens to be your birthday or something. But for me, it will always be a day of humbling celebration.
Before that Monday, I had spent the few previous years working in sales for a corporate construction company. Selling boring but essential products like fire hydrants and sewer pipe. I traded ten hours a day, plus a two hour commute for decent, stable paycheck. It did not take me long to notice I was surrounded by people who seemed a lot more “into it” then I was. I simply wanted to show up, do my job to the best of my ability and get the hell out of there so I could go on living my life. As soon as the clock hit 5:01 on Friday and I rushed out the door, a smile would sweep across my face along with a positive demeanor that I doubt any of my fellow employees knew I had.
Rock Bottom…
The only problem was I did not have much of a life. Anxiety and depression spread across me like a wildfire. I would spend the entire week anxiously counting away the hours till the weekend. Then when it arrived I would spend it staying out late partying with friends, trying to drown away the previous work week with booze. Only to wake up Sunday morning, hungover and dreading the approaching Monday. I was stuck on a vicious cycle that was spiraling out of control.
Eventually my negative and toxic ways began to effect a long-term relationship and I was dumped, which was no surprise. This is when I began to realize this cycle was unsustainable and something had to change. So at 4:08 on that cloudless Monday I did exactly what everyone told me NOT to do. I walked out of my comfortable secure job to start a real estate business of my own. Something I had already failed at once, so I suppose I see why everyone was doubtful. At the time I looked at quitting my job as a huge risk, who wouldn’t? In retrospect I can see that it was nothing more than a challenge laid before me. A challenge to choose myself over the corporation, a challenge to invest in myself and make sure I never ended up in that vicious cycle again.
The real adventure starts…
However my journey did not end with real estate. You could say that is when it began. It became clear that I grew the most as a person when I took on challenges that scared the hell out of me. Whether it be starting a business, diving with sharks, bungee jumping into a river, or running a 50 mile ultra marathon on a whim. I began actively seeking out any challenge I could find. Which is why I created this community, to share my successes and failures and bring like minded people together. People who are out there grinding and taking on challenges, big and small in order to become better individuals.
If you made it this far I encourage you to check out my challenge list. If you do not already have one, use mine for ideas and create your own. In order to grow, you have to step well beyond your comfort zone! So be bold when you start hunting down challenges!